
As far back as the 19th century the finest papers, called Pur fil, were made from linen cloths, giving the paper exceptional softness and allowing the pen to glide across the page.

Linen fibre is made from flax. Normandy is the main area of flax production and France is the world's largest producer. To make Thibierge Paris paper we use a blend of fibres from different origins in order to guarantee constant quality, whatever the results of the harvest.

“Linen is protective and fertilising, with seed which is certified GMO free. The plant requires very little pesticide and no irrigation, needs no herbicide and helps store CO2 emissions in the atmosphere.

Grown in temperate and rainy climates, flax, unlike most other natural or cellulose fibres, does not require any irrigation apart from natural rainwater.

The soil’s resources are sufficient to nourish the plant, which requires little nitrogen. In order to maintain its natural resilience it is given very little fertilizer or phytosanitary protection. Growing flax therefore contributes to protecting waterways and groundwater.”*** 

***Extract from European linen, CELC Masters of Linen.

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